Are you doing anything special for COVID-19 concerns?
Currently I am not canceling private or day training sessions. This may change any day as the situation evolves. For now, I am taking additional sanitation precautions. I am also developing webinar and class content to be accessed completely online.

What kind of training methods do you use?
I don't hide behind euphemisms and vague concepts such as leadership. I want you to know exactly what is going to happen to your dog in the physical world. In addition to using food to motivate your dog kindly, I use the addition or removal of whatever your dog wants. If your dog does behave undesirably, I look at why instead of reprimanding. Changing the environment and the consequences the dog is aiming for are the only things necessary to change behavior.

Why do you use food?
Modern dog training means motivating your dog by utilizing what they want. The easiest, most efficient way to do this is with food. Since your dog’s emotional well being is a priority, using food is non negotiable. If you have concerns about allergies, weight, etc, we can talk about these. There are certainly a variety of foods available! All treats used are high quality Made in America either from scratch in my own kitchen or from trusted brands I feed my own pets. No grocery store milk bones!

What do I need?
As a matter of safety, I avoid attaching leashes to collars. I prefer harnesses. If your dog is a harness-escaping pro I can link your dog's harness to limited-slip collar (martingale) to provide a backup measure while avoiding routine pressure on their neck. If you don't have a harness I do have extras, but appreciate one fitted specifically for your dog and highly recommend using them! Aversive collars such as choke, prong, or shock, will be removed for safety and liability reasons.

Is there a minimum age requirement?
Since dogs acquire fear easily and fear is so difficult to resolve, a socialization outing is a fantastic investment in your puppy's future. The main cause of death in dogs under 3 years are behavior problems. Due to this, the American Veterinary Society for Animal Behaviour states “it should be the standard of care for puppies to receive socialization before they are fully vaccinated.” If your puppy hasn't had their full rounds of vaccination boosters yet, precautions can be taken.